You’re heading to Alaska on a 6-month grand adventure. Money being no object, you’re planning to hire a pilot and her plane to be on retainer for you. When you’re ready to move camp, you’ll call her. She’ll come pick you up and fly you to wherever’s next. Two pilots are available. The first, Emily, […]
Hard Rain vs. Fluffy Clouds
A farmer sits over his worn wooden kitchen table ruminating. The thought of staring down the baking sun through another season of drought has him willing to make a change. Yesterday he visited two mystics who both advertised their ability to make it rain. The first sat on his stoop and said only: “Pay me. […]
Size, Speed, and Time
I watched a tiny bug hover by my shin. When it moved, I couldn’t even see it. It darted so quickly it seemed to just reappear inches from where it was. I got to thinking. If it moved so fast I could barely perceive it, what did it perceive? It must perceive time differently – […]
Your Liberty Isn’t Worth My Life.
I got some pushback on my last post from a good friend. A good friend who deserved a thorough, thoughtful response. Here it is, names changed to protect the innocent. //////////////// First, the WHO for death rate: Globally, as of 5:51pm CEST, 30 August 2021, there have been 216,303,376 confirmed cases of COVID-19, including 4,498,451 […]
Party Cancelled
I just had to cancel my annual MEATFEASTRAVAGANZA. With the rising case rate driven by the Delta variant, simply put, it would be irresponsible of me to get 50+ of my favorite people together. I’m not Lord Farquaad. Here’s to hopin’ for next year. If you, or anyone you love, are vaccine-hesitant, I understand. My first position […]